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Clinical Trial Specimen Analysis​

We provide high-quality clinical trial analysis results​

Clinical Trial Specimen Analysis​

The analysis of specimens obtained through clinical trials is conducted by institutions designated by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in accordance with Article 34-2, Paragraph 1 of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act and Article 35, Paragraph 5 of the Safety Regulations for Pharmaceuticals and Other Medicinal Products.​

The Korean Institute of Tuberculosis has been recognized by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety as a clinical trial specimen analysis institution in 2020, adhering to Good Clinical Laboratory Practice (GCLP) guidelines, and providing high-quality clinical trial analysis results for tuberculosis and non-tuberculous mycobacteria pharmaceuticals.​

임상시험검체분석기관 지정서
임상시험검체분석기관 지정서

Request Process​

The clinical trial specimen analysis adheres to the KIT's standard procedures, outlined as follows:

의뢰 절차 안내도
분석의뢰, 상담 및 견적서 송부, 분석진행 확인 및 의뢰서송부, 계약 후분석 진행, 분석 완료, 최종보고부 송부 순서로 진행됩니다.
