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팝업레이어 알림


Korea's Premier Tuberculosis Specialty Institution

The Korean Institute of Tuberculosis, established in 1970, plays a pivotal role in tuberculosis eradication efforts in South Korea and globally, encompassing the past, present, and future.

Optimal Diagnostic Testing Services,Providing Accurate and Comprehensive Results.

As a trusted provider, we perform tests on samples entrusted to us by both private and public healthcare institutions.

Pioneering Research for the Future, at the Heart of Collaborative Tuberculosis Research

As we pioneer innovative research to prepare for the future, we also engage in collaborative research and development with domestic and international institutions, fostering cooperation and innovation.

To be at the forefront of global tuberculosis eradication: The WHO Collaboration Center

Designated as a WHO Collaborating Center in 1995, the Korean Institute of Tuberculosis tirelessly endeavors for the eradication of tuberculosis both domestically and globally.

About What We Do

The Korean Institute of Tuberculosis diligently carries out all its projects aimed at tuberculosis eradication.

Our Partner

The Korean Institute of Tuberculosis collaborates with partner organizations to conduct public research for tuberculosis eradication.

  • Bioneer
  • Optipharm
  • Legochen Biosciences